I've been really busy lately, so here's a quick update on things I keep meaning to write about.
1. Not last weekend but the weekend before, we took Abby to a Wiggles concert in Denver. SO. MUCH. FUN.
2. We ended up making a little vacation out of it and spent the night in this really cool new hotel right in the heart of downtown. Every floor was decorated in a different genre. Ours was the television floor. The 13th is the horror floor.
3. The next day, we went to the aquarium. They have a restaurant with a huge tank that takes up one wall. We got quite the surprise when a diver swam by waving at all the kids!
4. The weather has been fantastic here, so we've been to a different park every day this week with our playgroup friends.
5. Abby was sick all last week, so she ended up sleeping in bed with us. It's so nice that she can just crawl into bed with us and go right back to sleep instead of dealing with trying to get her back to sleep for an hour.
6. This makes travelling so much easier. We had 2 queen beds in the hotel, and she stayed up until 9:30 when she climbed into bed with me and was asleep within minutes while Damon and I watched a movie.
7. I've been made an assistant organizer for our moms group. We have almost 200 members, so I've been put in charge of making sure everyone actually shows up to the events they agreed to come to. This has been taking up every spare minute of my time.
I remembered some things.
8. The house: outside is stuccoed, and the deck is being worked on today. Inside, the walls are all sheetrocked and they're going to start doing the rest of the wall stuff early next week. We lucked out that the weather has been so gorgeous. The fact that there's no power or heat (which was the big since it was so cold) isn't slowing them down much.
9. The residents here put on a St. Patrick's Day golf-cart parade. Damon, Abby, and I got to ride in the front cart with the "grand marshalls." Everyone decorated their golf carts with St. Pat's green. There was one couple who dressed as a bride and groom. She wore white pants and top, tiara and green veil, and carried a bouquet of fake flowers. They even attached toilet paper rolls and empty plastic containers to the back of their golf cart! A local news station even came out to film the parade.
I'm sure there's a bunch more I forgot right now.
Pictures are here.